My Way Channel 9

My Way Channel 9

Meet an inspiring Yeppoon-artist who has turned adversity into inspiring award-winning artworks.



Surrounded by the pristine waters of Yeppoon on Queensland's Capricorn Coast, Jet James is an award-winning artist that has been able to turn the adversity and hardship from his upbringing into the inspiration behind his printmaking, painting and mixed media artworks. Although surrounded by art as a child, Jet was unfortunately also born into poverty, bearing witness to drug-abuse and crime.

After being orphaned at just 8 years old, he was sent to a remote cattle station in Queensland, and left with little more than his imagination. With his creative spark continuing to grow, Jet immersed himself in his own world through drawing, which hasn't stopped since. Now a renowned artist both nationally and internationally, Jet has gone on to forge a career as a highly sought after creative, with his own gallery in the heart of Yeppoon.


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