Fan Email : When did you sell your first artwork?

Fan Email : When did you sell your first artwork?

Fan Email for Jet James


Hi, I am doing a project for art a-level on you and I was wondering if I could ask some questions I would like to know about you.

How did you come up with the names for your work, for example "self"?


There wasn’t much thought into the title ‘self’  I love drawing the self portrait and have done so passionately since I was 15,  some titles are more thought out such as ‘deconstructing abstraction ‘ or ‘ disposable  self’  . Each question my own understanding of the world and thoughts that came to mind whilst creating a self portrait . I often contemplate my past, present and future when creating self portraits .


I am very interested in your collagraph work, how long did it take you to create these?

 Sometimes a Collagraph can happen very quickly , in a day , other times I work on them over months , sometimes years , working between 15-40 works at a time .

how old were you when you sold your first piece of work?

I sold photocopies of my artwork on the bus for $1 when I was year 9.  I sold my first major artwork when I was 17.  

do your artworks always turn out how you pictured them at the start?

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1 comment

Heard the interview on ABC this afternoon so visited your page just now. I’m a visitor Yeppoon and interested that you have a gallery. Great to have exposure and recognition. Congratulations.


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